Category Pivoting

These blog posts are dedicated to sharing the story of my career pivot and what led me to my current entrepreneurial path.

Drastic Steps to Combat Lifestyle Creep 

Pre-pandemic financial realizations Pre-pandemic, I started listening to a lot of Dave Ramsey. I downloaded EveryDollar and Quicken. I brought in exactly $1,000 a month before taxes in wages from the nonprofit. I don’t remember what my husband’s salary was…

No one wins by playing small

Big goals can feel scary What is it about stating that you have really big goals that feels so audacious? It’s probably a universal feeling to claim you have big hopes and dreams when you’re just starting something. When I…

So, I registered an LLC this morning!

A few days ago, my best friend asked me to review her meeting minutes for the Jonesboro Urban Forestry Council. They were fantastic. This was just her first time being secretary and having to record minutes at a meeting, and…